Friday, October 3, 2008

Tegan and Sara Vs. Rush

I swear my husband's new found interest in Rush is due to my new found passion for Tegan and Sara. When we met, over 15 years ago, we both agreed Rush was bad music. Who needs THAT many drums? We both play drums and he's always insisted a 4 piece set was sufficient...I agreed...still agree. I detest Rush for many reasons. First and foremost, my brothers bombarded me with Rush when we were in high school...Second, I can't stand that voice! It is just too peculiar that my husband now LOVES Rush. My only consolation is that our son, who is 5 can play "back in your head" on his handmedown Casio Keyboard. Rushmode.


Beniam said...

We're definitely gonna have to do something about this...

Joe Aakre said...
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Joe Aakre said...

Aw, come on. We were your typical dumb white suburbanite kids growing up in the mid-80s in the culturally asphyxiated South Bay. What would you expect?

Corporations really had a stranglehold on the music scene since they monopolized the two big distribution channels (pre-MTV or at the very least, pre-Dad acknowledging the existence of cable TV): the local record shops and the local radio stations. Thank God for the internet.

Add to that original punk was dying out and had not yet "pop-icized" for the masses; post punk/grunge hadn't started; big hair rock was stupid and tired; "rap" (not yet hip-hop) was too annoyingly mechanical in sound; and pop/"new wave" was so gimmicky and only about selling trashy fashion at the local mall.

You see, all of these musical styles are fun now in their "retro" light when you go to your "80s parties", but when they were the ONLY CHOICES YOU HAD, it was enough to make you want to blow your brains out. Don't believe the "I love the 80s" shit VH1 sells (key word: sells) Gah!

So we went with prog-rock, which at least had some complexity, creativity and intelligence behind the musical structures and lyrics. Plus, it had what every teen needed: that inaccessible quality that others "just don't get" plus it sounded terrible enough bug your little sisters and parents when you played it repeatedly at very loud volumes.

So take off, hoser!

Unicorn said...

Rush is cool! At least he's not irritating you by saying he's voting for the Devil Jr. McCain...that's my hubby's new way to get under my skin! Cool blog! :)